Thursday, January 6, 2011


With every new year comes the age old tradition. Resolutions. As I've thought about New Years Resolutions this week, I can't help but remember back to old resolutions that, well, crashed and burned.

  • go to the gym every day. (that lasted about as long as it did for the rest of the 50 people packed in the tiny gym the day after new years)
  • write in my journal every night. (it'd be embarrassing to tell you how many journal entries since high school start with "'s been a long time since I've written...I promise to do better....")
  • spend less (ahahahahahahahaha!)
  • finish school (how long can one drag out their undergrad? I'm going on 15 years, how 'bout you?)
  • read the entire Book of Mormon, hold weekly Family Home Evenings, find better Sunday activities, give more service...
The list could go on and on of course, but, you get the picture, right? I guess in the past my goals have either been too generic, totally unrealistic or, hey, life gets in the way. So, as I was thinking about my New Years Resolution for 2011 (yeah, that's right, I'm just starting to think about it...I'm a procrastinator and that's how I roll), I guess the mantra I want to live by this year is: Keep It Simple. Instead of trying to become the worlds best seamstress, scrapbooker, photographer, decorator, gardener, etc., etc.; just become the best me and take each day as it comes. Keeping it simple.


  1. I had to smile reading much of what you said is completely true for me too! I like your plan--sometimes it feels like keeping it simple is not excelling, but I think keeping it simple might actually allow us to excel. :)

  2. Exactly, Courntey! And, thanks for stopping by! :) I do hope you know that the best form of flattery is imitation....thanks for letting us "piggyback" on your idea! :)
