On a warm September afternoon in 2002 I met my hubby for the first time at Union Station in our lovely Nations Capitol; Washington DC. It wasn't a chance meeting, we were meeting there, but only because that's where the Amtrak train from NYC pulled in. So, there I was totally nervous to meet this dude in a wheelchair for the first time in person. See, we'd been talking casually on the phone for almost 2 months. It all started when I answered and ad in the BYU Daily Universe. Some girl was looking for an assistant to relocate with her to NYC. I was a theater major at the time and was dying for a chance to go to the Big Apple and be that much closer to my dream of being on Broadway. Little did I know this girl would end up being my sis-in-law.
So, I got the job, worked with her in SLC for two months and then moved to NYC in September. She was nice enough, but she kept talking about her brother and how cute he was and saying that I should really go out with him. I thought she was a weird-o. I mean, to be totally honest- I wasn't looking to date anyone especially some dude in a wheelchair. I got the feeling after a while that she thought I was going to marry him and then I thought she was totally NUTS!!! During this time, I'd answer the phone occasionally when he'd call and we'd chat, he was charming and funny and had, (and still does by the way) a really cute laugh/chuckle thing. After a while I knew I was starting to go crazy too because then I started to think, "Oh crap, what if I'm supposed to marry her brother?". I'm big into "things happens for a reason" and all that. We both knew after our phone conversations were getting longer and longer and he was calling to talk to me and not his sis that there was a little something between us. Just as his sis and I were getting ready to move to NYC he was getting ready to do an internship in DC. Our first weekend in NYC was spent hoping a train headed for DC. The first meeting was a little awkward and we both were nervous, but we soon figured it out. Almost eight year of marriage and two babies later-
I'd say it turned out just fine. :)
Awwww....so cute! I LOVE that family pic.....