Sunday, April 3, 2011

Too much STUFF!!!
I am by NO means the lady you should be talking to about organization. I have and most likely will always have just too much stuff. I love stuff-that's the problem. I love crafts stuff, clothes stuff, toy stuff, kitchen gadget stuff, all kinds of things that after a while become more "stuff". Moving is a great way to "de-stuff" ones home. With our recent move it has been exciting/nerve wracking/difficult to part with some things but I am so happy to lighten the load! In the new place I also have a new mantra , well a shopping mantra anyway. It's "where will I put this?". I refuse to totally clutter this home and while I love to decorate I'm trying hard not to buy things because they're cute or on sale-which, if you know about my Target obsession-is not always easy. SO, if I can offer any advice on the subject-it's this-no more stuff!!! Get the things you really need, think before you buy and try to use the "stuff" you already have, or at least make sure it's a super wonderful Target find! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady....I beg to differ! Ummmm...pretty much I have NEVER seen anyone get settled into their new house SO quickly. From the first time I ventured there to take some boxes to what like 2 weeks later and everything was put away and hung on the walls? WHAT?! Very impressive lady.
