Tar-jey....probably my most very favorite place right now. Because right now, it works. I have 2 young kids and well, I know we can all get something there to make the shopping trip enjoyable. (Dollar Spot, clearance rack, and a little trip down the toy aisle to look at the toys.) I always tell Justin, I could live anywhere....as long as Target is within 15 minutes.
I love Ikea for just a general walk around and to get new ideas. It's my favorite to go to whenever we move into a new place. (And sometimes we make ourselves a little at home there.)
King Street shops are great when we are feeling like we've been cooped up in the house too long.
If I really want to shop... I go to Potomac Mills. Banana Republic outlet, J.Crew, H&M, Disney, and LaCoste? Now we're talking. Momma can always find something there. Kate loves it for the pretzel snacks and the rides that always seem to be not working, which is frustrating;).
But my favorite kind of shopping is when I get to go without the kids. Justin's family does a girls' weekend once or twice a year. I got to go on my first one shortly before we got engaged. It was so much fun and so nice to shop with just girls. (We did a little mini-one when we went out to dinner and then TJMaxx when I went home in June.)
I'm prepping Kate for her shopping adventures. After all, isn't shopping with the girls just the best no matter what store you're in?
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