Monday, May 16, 2011

Prom '97

Sorry ladies! I'm a day late here. Last week as an absolute whirlwind (I had my all day Orientation at USF *Go Bulls!*, a Relief Society Weekday Activity to get ready for and carry out AND I had a ton of preparation for Sunday with my new calling as......Primary President! All in one week! I kid you not! Two awesome Counselors, many, many emails and one long meeting later, we were ready to face the kiddos on Sunday!)

Anyway. Enough about me now, let's talk about me then! Prom pictures, I promised and Prom pictures you will get. In fact. Here's my whole scrapbook page!

Prom was, as you can see, interesting. Not so fun then, but a super fun story to tell now! I mean, how many people end up going to Prom with their ex and spend the morning in the ER to find out you've got strep throat? Looking back, I wonder, why we just didn't say "forget it" and bag the night. Then I remember. We  were two stubborn kids. I had gotten it into my head that for some reason my high school experience wouldn't have been complete without going to Prom. I reeeeaaaalllyyyy wanted to go. And my date, bless his heart (I guilted him into taking me in the first place), worked really hard for his $ and probably was thinking, 'I paid for all of this already, so I'm taking her even if she's on her deathbed!'. Okay, who am I kidding. It actually wasn't as bad as I let on. We had a nice dinner with our friends (or, he had a nice dinner...I had Jello), we got all dolled up and we danced. What more can you ask for, right?

BTW, I hate this picture of me! I think I must've been trying to swallow or something. Strep hurts!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Not exactly Jacob Black...

but he did have long hair. Braids as a matter of fact. LONG braids. Who am I referring too? My Senior Ball date of course! Good ol' James what's-his-name. No seriously, what's his name? Even if you asked I couldn't tell! I don't remember!!! :| I know his name was James and I know he was some kind of Native American and I know he was a super nice guy and he asked me to prom super last minute through a mutual friend that knew neither of us wanted to go stag. Also, I know my mom dug his super long braids even if I didn't. Also I know that never ever in my life will I post those pics on this here blog. Any blog for that matter! AND, I know that I chickened out and gave him a quick hug before I scooted along in the house. POOR GUY! I'm pretty sure he was hoping for a bit more after going to the trouble of taking some girl he didn't really know to prom but...he really wasn't Jake-maybe if he was the night would have ended differently! ;)

PS- It's good to be back! I'll not let so much time pass between posts again. I'm trying hard to keep the hubs healthy and out of the hospital and trees in their upright and locked positions NOT smashing sheds/garages and the like!

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Travel Time!

So, it's starting to warm up (in some areas anyway.....actually, here in Florida, it's just starting to get *hot*), school is out soon and everyone in America is making some sort of plan to make their summer a memorable experience. Some of those days will probably be spent traveling (near or far) to someplace other than home.

Though my family isn't gearing up for the most traveled summer (we're actually planning on keeping this year low-key), we are planning a road trip in August to....drum roll please.....middle of nowhere Columbus, Mississippi! Woohoo! I know. Goin' crazy. Of course, the only time we'd ever go to such an obscure place would be to visit family (the hubs' youngest brother and his wife are planning their wedding reception there....a year after eloping).

So. Me, Drew, two kids, grandma, grandpa and a two day car ride. What's our plan? Here's our list so far:
  1. Pack lots of DVD's (including some possible new ones)
  2. Books! (for me and the kiddos!)
  3. "Sunday Toys"....the kind that I'm currently refusing to bring to church until my children learn how to sit still for 30 minutes.
  4. Check out this website: Mom's Minivan
  5. Stop at a beach and play in the water for a little bit (this will be at the end of Day 1)
What do you think? Keepin' it simple. Keepin' it exciting. We're looking forward to seeing and spending time with family! (BTW, next summer, previously brother-in-law and sister-in-law will be in Italy....Drew and I will definitely be planning a trip sans kids on a little European Vacay!)

ketchup week

Woops! Oh my! I cannot believe I've let so many cool post topics go unwritten. So, this is my goal this week to 'kepchup' or rather, 'catch up' on the past few posts. If all goes well, you should be seeing Prom pictures by Sunday! ;)