Friday, July 29, 2011

Hey Ladies, What's APPening?

Sorry, Ladies. Couldn't resist. Anyway. Ahhhh, Apps! So many to choose from! So many I don't know about! Here are a few of my favorite few:

  1. Angry Birds - Rio Edition: Okay, so this is one App that I've resisted for a long time. Not sure why. Maybe because everyone else seemed to get addicted to it, so I knew it would be danger on my phone. Finally, my ever so persistent and convincing cute faced five-year-old daughter talked me into adding it to my phone. Rio Edition was her specific request (how do you do one of those sideways smiley faces with an eye roll???)
  2. Yoga: Wow. I don't think I ever need to go to a Yoga Class again with this handy-dandy App! It's very complete and thorough, giving you the pose you need to be in with the length of the pose. My only complaint is that it's very....what the word? Glitch prone? That the creators are always having to fix (for example, sometimes the timer speeds up through the poses...kind of annoying, but, still a very, very good App).
  3. Old MacDonald: Okay, really anything by 'Duck, Duck, Moose' is super cute! They take children's songs such as "Old MacDonald", "Itsy, Bitsy Spider", "Wheels on the Bus", etc. add some ultra cute interactive animation and viola! My kids are entertained for a long while! Oh yes, and, you can set the songs to different languages. Want to your kids to listen to the song in: French, Spanish, Italian or German? Easily done! You can even record your own voice, if you'd like!
  4. Kindle: I'm not really itching to go out and buy a $100+ Kindle when I can download it for free on my iPhone! One thing I really love about the can read at night! I cannot tell you how many times I've woken up at night and couldn't fall back asleep, so instead of turning on all of the lights, I just pulled out my iPhone and turned to the page of the latest book I was reading. The only kids associate my phone with games. So, when they see me pulling out the iPhone to read, they assume I'm playing games and hoover around me like bees to a bees nest. So, do pull out the good-ole fashioned book now and then...just to show your kiddos that you are actually reading!
  5. Groupon: Who doesn't love a good deal? The thing I love about the Groupon App is, when those good deals come along, all I have to do is click "buy" and it stores the purchase in my phone. No need to print out anything. Save a tree and download the Groupon App, if you enjoy your Groupons!
  6. LDS Gospel Library: Of course, this goes without saying that this is one of my favorite Apps. Not only does it have the scriptures on it (I love being able to pick up and read the scriptures anytime, anywhere!), but you're also able to upload Hymns, Children's Songbook, Manuals, Church Magazines, Conference Talks and probably more! Comes in very handy.
  7. Fit Builder: Okay, this is probably my most used App. I use it at home to Cross Train or when I can't go to the gym and only have access to my dumbbells. I use it in addition to my running when I need a quick warm up or cool down (push ups, sit ups). And I use it at the gym for a complete Strength Training and/or Cardio workout. It's my own little pocket Trainer. I can take it where ever I go. No excuses.
  8. CardStar: Another super handy App. I was in Build-A-Bear a few months back and as I was checking out, the lady asked me if I had one of their customer savings cards. I knew I had one....somewhere. So, she asked me what phone number it was under. She could look it up in their system. Problem is, I've had about 5 phone numbers in the last 5 years (okay, I might be exaggerating, but, you get the point) and no way do I remember them all. So, she reapplied me for a new customer card and then pulled out her iPhone and introduced me to this App. You download it, then manually type in the number on the backside of your customer cards and it stores all of your card numbers! It even creates a bar code so that the checker can just scan your phone and get your number! How crazy cool is that??!!! No more thick wallet with a million customer cards in it and no more tacky things handing off of your key chain! Love. It.
Anyway, hope this gives you some ideas on some Apps, if you're in the market. Happy APPing, everyone!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Favorite-not so much, useful-VERY!!!

So, this week we're talking about our favorite apps. I have a few go-to apps that's for sure! What might they be? In no particular order, (and if I was going to put them in one surely I'd put my scriptures app first so as not to appear the heathen that I'm sure I am!)

  1. Flixter- It's not as if I see movies every day, but it is a handy dandy app, great for checking showtimes, upcoming theater and DVD releases. Even watch trailers!
  2. LDS Scriptures-This is my go-to scripture app. It has everything. Scriptures, manuals, neat bookmakering/highlighting features. I LOVE this app!
  3. Redfin-It's a real estate app, and I'm not so much looking to buy a new home, but it's still fun to, shall we say, browse? It has a neat-o "homes for sale nearby" feature that I like, I break that bad boy out at least once when we're road tripping just to see what's out there.
  4. Lost It-This is a good calorie/exercise/weight tracker. It has a ton of name brand AND everyday foods. I wish it would track water consumption, wait, it might, I'll have to check!
  5. Period Tracker-This app, ah-hem, more geared towards my ladies, I don't know about you, but I'm really bad at remembering and this handy dandy app does it for me! IT tracks you cycle, weight, moods, and does your taxes! Okay, the taxes not so much, but I did notice the other day it has a "pregnancy" mode and will count down the weeks until your due date with interesting facts and such-we'll see if that feature ever gets used. ;)
Last, but not least, and the true inspiration for my very compelling title,

Couch to 5K! Do I love this app? NO!!!! As a matter of fact I was in tears last night over this stupid thing! Useful, VERY!!! I can not say enough good things about it, bad things, yes. I kid, is joke! I really do like what it's doing for me, but its tough going. I'm pretty shall we say, "fluffy" so to get out there and run with all my, "fluff" jiggling around isn't easy, BUT, I'm doing it. Week two and going strong, or at least going. I've had it on my phone for maybe ever, and it was the lovely Jess that finally gave me the motivation/kick in the pants to start it, so THANKS JESS!!!!! Anyhow, these are the apps that I use on almost a daily basis. Try em out!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Walking a mile without shoes...
So, speaking of lessons and taking a cue from Jess, I'll skip all my excuses and jump right in!

Picture it, February 2002 Payson Utah on a VERY cold snowy morning. I was driving home from an early morning English class, (why I thought a 7:30 am class was a good idea I'll NEVER know!) in a rather grumpy mood. Growing up in CA I was not accustomed to snow and felt super annoyed at having almost landed on my bum for the 10th time that week due to the fact that I was severely lacking in snow paraphernalia. Specifically: shoes. I was wearing some old sneaks without any traction whatsoever. I remember pulling off the freeway prepared to rant and rave to my mom as soon as I got home. Right as I pulled off the freeway right away I saw a homeless man walking. For whatever reason I noticed his feet and right away felt like a GIANT jerk face. He didn't have any shoes. He was walking with plastic grocery sacks rubber banded to his feet. Oh. My. Goodness. How humbled was I? Here I was feeling so sorry for myself and so upset at what I didn't have that I failed to recognize all I did have. Sheesh, I was soooo embarrassed and instantly felt so blessed and well cared for. Shoes, who cares about shoes!

It was a quick instant, but in that instant I came to know what I've probably always known but forget sometimes, simply-there will always be someone who has more than me-and there will always be someone who has less, I need to be happy with what I do have, not upset with what I don't have/want.

I'm a jealous lady, I compare myself to other people and have always wanted things to be "fair". I'm working hard to not always want more, more, more, I've come to learn time and time again that when I compare myself to someone else I'll always come up lacking and that never feels good, AND-life isn't fair. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, to be "fair" the opposite is also true. The thing is, when I focus more on being happy with what I do have and spend my time tying to better myself and serving others I don't have time to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Plus, life is really good. Even in the challenging times, and we all have them, I find so much comfort in the gospel and the promise that if I try my hardest one day things will be just as they should. WE are blessed. We have so much and I am thankful for the ridiculous amounts of blessing that have been coming my way and the ability to find blessings even in the trying times. AND, I'm so happy to have such lovely lady friends! Thanks girls!!! I'm so happy to be bloggin' it up again!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good Things to Come....

Lessons. Trying times. Experiences. I've had a lot of them. (I'm almost 29 after all!) But I think the one that sticks out to me the most is the one I first learned during my first year at Ricks College. I was so pumped for my first year, but also so scared if all my "plans" would work out the way I envisioned them. My goal since early high school was to be a dental hygienist. I was also stressing about dating and marriage and all that fun stuff. About that same time, a friend of mine from my first job at a video store contacted me and said he was going on a mission. I was excited for him, but a little shocked. At the time we worked together, there was no interest in the church on his part. But I went to his farewell with another friend and as we were leaving his house, he asked for my address and we went on our way. I got a really great first letter from him about his conversion. Letters and letters later, he sent me this talk which will always be my favorite, because it was exactly what I needed to hear at the time and I still often find myself referring to it time and time again. It is by Jeffrey R. Holland entitled, "An High Priest of Good Things to Come." It has become such a great talk, in fact they even made a Mormon message about it. My friend sent me the cassette tape he had of that conference talk along with a written copy and I remember crying the first time I heard it! That stage of life can be so rough and so great and sometimes all you really need is just to have faith that things will all work out. Now I just got called to Young Womens, which I am super excited for. I love this age they are at and even more the age and years they are about to embark upon. How exciting, how scary, how neat! If I could do it all again, I think I would just tell myself to hang in there, keep the commandments like you're doing and just have faith because things will all work out. And, in fact, most the time, even more so than I ever could have dreamed! I mean, look at this great little group I got going here......

Best lesson for sure: "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Okay, okay. I know. It's been too long since me, or any one of use has written any blogs posts. BUT! With a renewed spirit to make this blog what it is meant to be, here I am! Being committed is one lesson that I've had to learn time and time again. And speaking of lessons....this weeks blog topic (excuse me while I just jump on into the post with no more mention of what a slacker I've been.....) is on "favorite lessons I've learned".

However, my favorite lesson isn't one that I've learned, but, rather the one that I am learning. "What is it?" You might be wondering to yourself; this lesson that I am learning? I am learning that my life has no meaning if I do not have a purpose. I know. I know. Pretty obvious, right? Well, it's only taken me 32 years to figure this one out, so, shush. ;)

This lesson that I am learning became apparent to me this past week, as I've been taking up a challenge laid down by one of the Sister Missionaries serving in our ward. A few weeks ago we invited the missionaries over to our house for dinner. I know the routine. I cook. They eat. They share a message and their testimony. They challenge or encourage us as a family to pray for a missionary opportunity. They leave. I forget about the challenge.

This time, however, it was different. This is how the night went: I cook. I realize that not only are the Sisters coming over, but, the Elders as well. I scramble to add more food on the table. They eat. The share a message and their testimony. They pull out two copies of the Book of Mormon. Touche! A challenge that I can't just forget about! Here's what I'm supposed to do: read the Book of Mormon, and as I do, highlight any and every reference to Jesus Christ that I can find. As I'm doing this, pray for missionary opportunities and, at the end of reading The Book of Mormon, find someone to give it to. I have never been so excited about a challenge in my life! Why?? Because I have been asked to read the Book of Mormon with a purpose!

So, this week, I have been reading and marking. However, because I am who I am and I have to make things more difficult, I decided that I'd take this challenge a step further. I came across a blog this weekend (sorry, I'd reference it, but, I was surfing for boredoms sake and just happen to come across this particular blog....I can't find it again!) where this guy was sort of doing the same challenge. Except here's what he did:

in GREEN  he marked every single reference to Jesus Christ or God the Father (including pronouns).
in BLUE he marked God's communication with man (remember: God doesn't always communicate directly with man....that's why we have prophets.
in RED he marked the instance when man does something to merit that communication.

Here's what my Book of Mormon looks like so far

As I take this challenge, I look at other aspects of my life where, had there had not been a purpose, I would have not been successful. I think that Heavenly Father knows this about me (obviously before I knew about it myself), and where He has needed me, has given me a purpose. What more can I say? I feel so blessed. I feel so loved. And I am so grateful for this opportunity to not only read the Book of Mormon and feel my own testimony grow, but, to have the opportunity to share my testimony with someone who is waiting to hear it.

UPDATE: Found the blog I was talking about!! Here's the link. I read a couple of his other recent blogs posts...he's a pretty funny guy!