Monday, May 9, 2011

It's Travel Time!

So, it's starting to warm up (in some areas anyway.....actually, here in Florida, it's just starting to get *hot*), school is out soon and everyone in America is making some sort of plan to make their summer a memorable experience. Some of those days will probably be spent traveling (near or far) to someplace other than home.

Though my family isn't gearing up for the most traveled summer (we're actually planning on keeping this year low-key), we are planning a road trip in August to....drum roll please.....middle of nowhere Columbus, Mississippi! Woohoo! I know. Goin' crazy. Of course, the only time we'd ever go to such an obscure place would be to visit family (the hubs' youngest brother and his wife are planning their wedding reception there....a year after eloping).

So. Me, Drew, two kids, grandma, grandpa and a two day car ride. What's our plan? Here's our list so far:
  1. Pack lots of DVD's (including some possible new ones)
  2. Books! (for me and the kiddos!)
  3. "Sunday Toys"....the kind that I'm currently refusing to bring to church until my children learn how to sit still for 30 minutes.
  4. Check out this website: Mom's Minivan
  5. Stop at a beach and play in the water for a little bit (this will be at the end of Day 1)
What do you think? Keepin' it simple. Keepin' it exciting. We're looking forward to seeing and spending time with family! (BTW, next summer, previously brother-in-law and sister-in-law will be in Italy....Drew and I will definitely be planning a trip sans kids on a little European Vacay!)

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