Sunday, July 24, 2011

Walking a mile without shoes...
So, speaking of lessons and taking a cue from Jess, I'll skip all my excuses and jump right in!

Picture it, February 2002 Payson Utah on a VERY cold snowy morning. I was driving home from an early morning English class, (why I thought a 7:30 am class was a good idea I'll NEVER know!) in a rather grumpy mood. Growing up in CA I was not accustomed to snow and felt super annoyed at having almost landed on my bum for the 10th time that week due to the fact that I was severely lacking in snow paraphernalia. Specifically: shoes. I was wearing some old sneaks without any traction whatsoever. I remember pulling off the freeway prepared to rant and rave to my mom as soon as I got home. Right as I pulled off the freeway right away I saw a homeless man walking. For whatever reason I noticed his feet and right away felt like a GIANT jerk face. He didn't have any shoes. He was walking with plastic grocery sacks rubber banded to his feet. Oh. My. Goodness. How humbled was I? Here I was feeling so sorry for myself and so upset at what I didn't have that I failed to recognize all I did have. Sheesh, I was soooo embarrassed and instantly felt so blessed and well cared for. Shoes, who cares about shoes!

It was a quick instant, but in that instant I came to know what I've probably always known but forget sometimes, simply-there will always be someone who has more than me-and there will always be someone who has less, I need to be happy with what I do have, not upset with what I don't have/want.

I'm a jealous lady, I compare myself to other people and have always wanted things to be "fair". I'm working hard to not always want more, more, more, I've come to learn time and time again that when I compare myself to someone else I'll always come up lacking and that never feels good, AND-life isn't fair. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, to be "fair" the opposite is also true. The thing is, when I focus more on being happy with what I do have and spend my time tying to better myself and serving others I don't have time to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Plus, life is really good. Even in the challenging times, and we all have them, I find so much comfort in the gospel and the promise that if I try my hardest one day things will be just as they should. WE are blessed. We have so much and I am thankful for the ridiculous amounts of blessing that have been coming my way and the ability to find blessings even in the trying times. AND, I'm so happy to have such lovely lady friends! Thanks girls!!! I'm so happy to be bloggin' it up again!!!

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