Tuesday, March 15, 2011

fhe in a flash!

"We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest."
-President Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, May 2005

Family Home Evening has always, always, always been a struggle for me and my little family to carry out. For the first six years of marriage, our family consisted of just me and my husband, so, we never really formalized Family Home Evening - we felt that since we were with each other all the time, that that was enough. Then along came Kami. For the first few years we'd hold Family Home Evening on and off, but, nothing really consistent because Kami's attention span wasn't much more than about 5 seconds. Kami grew and then along came AJ. Again, we'd have family home evening every once in a while. Now that both AJ and Kami are old enough to know something of what is going on and can grasp simple concepts, I started to realize that we really needed to do something. Even if it was just super simple - but, whatever it was it needed to be consistent. So, one day, I happened upon a link on one of my most favorite go-to church lesson and activity idea website. A lady had created a lesson a week that corresponded with the Primary Sharing Time lessons. All of the lessons were from the Friend Magazine or from a lesson manual. I loved it! I love the simplicity of the concept and the quickness of the lessons. It was just was I was looking for. So, this year I ventured out to create my own years worth of lessons. Again, all of the lessons are taken from the Friend or from the lesson manuals, so the only thing I can really take credit for is putting it altogether. I first shared this compilation with my sister who has young kids and a few friends. Then, with some encouragement, I went ahead and submitted the lesson compilation to Sugardoodle (you can find it here) and have had a hugely positive response. So, I thought I'd also post it here on our lovely website. I love sharing my work, so feel free to pass along to anyone who you think might benefit (link at the bottom of this post). Since creating this lesson plan, I have to say, it has helped my family so much to be more consistent and have to have more meaningful lessons.

Enjoy, Ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Jess- you are forever my hero! This is just what I needed! I struggle finding lessons that span the 7 year gap between my two kiddos and I think this will work. Thank you thank you thank you!
