Friday, August 12, 2011


I was preparing my lesson last week for my Young Womens, "Eternal Perspective." My sister sent me an email of a link to a blog (that she got from a friend in high school who knows the couple). Anyway, I read it, got swept up in it and have been keeping this sweet family and little baby in my prayers all week. When I woke up this morning, I found out she passed away and my heart broke for them. I can't imagine what they must be going through. Their family is so similar in ages to mine. I don't think anything is important today except paying more attention to my kids. I was going to go to the mall and now all want to do is lay on the floor with my girls. The mom shared this great song by Mindy Gledhill called: "All about your Heart." She said every time she heard it, she was reminded of her sweet Ruby.

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Goodness. I have been reading about the Taylor fam too and am so saddened by their loss. Saddened isn't even the right word, it kills me! The crazy thing is I'm about 90 mins from the funeral location and am crazily flirting with the idea of driving there tomorrow to attend! If my being there can in some small way ease their pain I'd totally go, mourn with those that mourn sort of deal, but would a total stranger be any comfort? SO sad...
