Sunday, August 21, 2011

What time is it? It's nap time!

Okay, so this might be a little more extravagant for a Saturday Afternoon Craft with the Ladies, but, it's a super cute and easy Tutorial. It was intended for Kami to take to school with her to use as a nap mat....then I noticed that her school supply list stated "plastic" nap mat. Ooops! Maybe I can convince the teacher to let her use this one anyway.....

Anyway, maybe you could use it to send your kiddos on a trip to Grandma's or a best pals house. Jenny Garlands's ultra cute and super easy, free Nap Mat Tutorial can be found here: Nap Mat Tutorial

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh! I love it! That is too cute. Show it to her teacher and I'm sure she'll give in. How fun.
