Thursday, January 13, 2011

Music to my ears

I LOVE music, all kinds too. I don't discriminate-I'm very progressive. :) Okay, that last part isn't totally true. I could NOT get behind the message of the lyrics while dining in Henry's Soul Cafe, (for true-I finally went before my sis moved, not that bad AND not that scary!) something about "it's cool girl, I love lots of fine ladies and even though I'm loving her I can love you too" etc. etc. Sorry buddy, not cool with all the lady loving going on, I prefer a man love only one lady at a time. Guess I'm not so progressive after all.

I love music for so many reasons, but one of the things that I love the most is it's ability to take you back in time-to different places and make you feel like you're really there. For example- you put on the "Macarena" (let's be honest- what iTunes library is really complete w/o the Macarena? None I tell you, none!) and I am instantly at my cousins wedding circa 1995. My sisters and I thought we were pretty hot stuff when the DJ played that winning number. Why you ask? Because it gave us a chance to showcase our talent! My mom knew we knew the moves, we were young hip kids, of COURSE we knew the moves. So, to the front of the half of the cultural hall that was designated for dancing we went and we BUSTED it out!!! Right arm, left arm flip them over, shoulder, shoulder, head, head, opposite hip then same side, swivel wiggle thing, jump clap!!! We knocked it out of the park. Are you impressed?? All the old people there thought we were pretty cool. And us, oh, we knew we were cool. We’d just schooled a bunch of nice old LDS couples in the Macarena!

Like I was saying, music takes you places. It connects you to certain people; I can’t hear a whole number of songs w/o thinking of a spring break trip from high school. We couldn’t find any radio stations so we listened to the same mixed tape over and over and over. Consequently, those songs will forever take me to Kauai. Not a bad a place to go I tell you what!

On to what everyone is really dying to know; what I’m listening to right now. The hubs and I just went to see Country Strong, (sad, sad, sad) and since then we discovered we’re country stars. We came home and promptly downloaded the soundtrack and have been singing our little hearts out since. There’s only one problem- we’re not very good!

My favorite songs are songs that I can just put on and hang out to. Songs like...

1. Wish you well by Katie Herzig, (anything by her really)
2. Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine,
3. I LOVE the song Falling Slowly from the Once soundtrack.
4. Miracle by Foo Fighters
5. Animal by Neon Trees (until 99.5 overplays it and I’m sick of it)
6. When you were young by The Killers (must be listened to LOUD)
7. Pork and Beans by Weezer (again anything by them is bound to be good)
8. The way I am by Ingrid Michaelson
9. The get go by Vita Chambers (it’s impossible not to boogie listening to this)
10. Give in to me from the Country Strong Soundtrack (Vance and I can lip sync like no other to this and trust me, that’s all you’d want us to do!!!!)

Give em a try, they’re pretty good tunes.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh! "Falling Slowly?!" I LOVE that song, too. I didn't realize that's where it came from. The first time I heard it, an American Idol was singing it. How cultured am I? Great picks, lady!
    And....I have ALWAYS wanted to eat at Henry's. You'll have to tell me what to get. You and Vance always know!
